Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm Still Here

Greetings! Sorry for being a bit inactive in the blog realm lately, both in the reading and the writing. Lots of life happening right now, as I'm sure y'all can imagine.

First of all, I've found a home! It's a room in a house located in the Fruitvale area of Oakland. The room is a bit small, but it's all the space I need. The rest of the house is pretty large with lots of common space, which I'm looking forward to sharing with the couple who live there, R and D. They're both wonderful people and I'm glad to have found them. Best part is, they're both fans of Star Trek (and for those who may not know, I am a huge Trekkie). I knew this place had to be my new home when I walked in and they were watching my favorite show of all time, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. R and D also have a young son (who I haven't met yet), two dogs (one of which I did meet), and a hamster (who is apparently nocturnal, lol).

Right now I'm visiting my parents. I've got dentist appointments tomorrow and Friday. Deep cleaning, drilling, all that. Then on the 25th I'm heading back to SF with my mom to pack my stuff, and then moving the next day. Immediately after I move I'll have to take care of the whole school situation and make sure I have classes for this semester. I should have that all set up by now but there was a little snafu with my application and I haven't had time to get it sorted yet. Things will be staying busy for a while.

Before I wrap up with entry, I'd like to thank everyone for their well wishes in my home hunt, especially my frequent commenter Ruth. ^^ I would ask whoever reads this to send a positive thought or two my way in regards to my dentist appointments. The only reason I'm not terrified right now (even though I have so much experience with these kinds of procedures) is because I'm too tired. You don't have to comment about it, but the mental wavelengths would be much appreciated.

My question for today is dentist related. Tell me about the best and worst dentists with whom you've ever had dealings. Just please omit the gory details, as I won't be able to read them anyway.

Stay well. <3

1 comment:

  1. She is alive!!! I'm glad things are starting to go your way. Sounds like you have a great semester ahead!

    No horrible dentist stories, because I do everything I possibly can to avoid going to see them! Everything possible...
